Let’s face it, a lot of life can feel like Groundhogs Day (if you subscribe to the Bill Murray theory of the day). We do the same things over and over, and it can get repetitive. Especially in HR–while there are always unexpected things there is a lot of repetition. Recruit, onboard, retain, exit interview, lather, rinse, repeat.
So, I thought I’d use ChatGPT to give us some groundhog info.
In a world where laws did extend,
To groundhogs, their rights to defend,
Where FLSA and NLRA did apply,
And the rights of rodents did not defy.
With minimum wage and overtime pay,
And unions to lead the way,
The groundhogs now had power and might,
To demand their rights and put up a fight.
“We want to be paid for our work,” they did say,
“For weather predictions, night and day.”
“We’ve had enough of this weather charade,
We demand to be fairly paid.”
And so the groundhogs formed a union,
To bargain and negotiate, with unison.
And employers, they did take note,
Of the rights that these rodents wrote.
And so it was, in this alternate world,
That groundhogs, their rights they swirled,
With laws to protect and rights to defend,
They worked and played, till the very end.
Image by Katie White from Pixabay
The post Happy Groundhog’ Day appeared first on Evil HR Lady.