In 2019, January 31 was the most popular day to quit your job. In 2022, it was January 21. With all the layoffs in the tech industry, who knows if that end-of-January voluntary rush would continue in 2023? If your employees were going to jump ship, they would be gone by now. So you can relax because we’ve made it to February!
Ha ha ha, sorry, no.
If only employee retention were so easy. Here’s what you need to be doing all 12 months of the year to retain your employees. (And after all, since Gallup estimates that it costs anywhere from 50 percent of annual salary to 200 percent to replace people, this is the fiscally responsible thing to do.)
Even with the scary month of January ending, people are still looking for new jobs. You don’t have to sit back, though. Here’s what you can do to increase employee retention.
To keep reading, click here: Employee Retention: How to keep your best talent all year round
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